Choose Your
Hacash Wallet

Select the Most Suitable Wallet Based on Usage and User Preferences

Third-party Wallets

Disclaimer: Security comes from third-party developers, please check carefully before using

Wallet Tools

Send Transaction to Blockchain

Paste the TxBody value of the transaction into the box below, and click confirm to submit it to the blockchain network for confirmation.

Transaction sent successfully!

TxHash: {{result.hash}}

Send failed: {{result.err}}

Check Transaction Status

Paste the transaction hash (TxHash) value into the box below, and click "Check" to query the transaction status


TxHash: {{txhash_show}}

status: {{ {'pending':'Waiting for packing in the tx pool','confirm':'Confirm successfully','notfind':'Not find in blockchain'}[result.stat] }}

Block Height: {{result.block.height}}
Confirmed Height: {{result.confirm}}

Query HAC Balance

Type or paste the wallet address into the box below, one by one or separated by commas and spaces. Click "Query" button to display the account balance. No more than 20 account addresses can be queried at a time

{{one.address}}ㄜ{{toThousands(one.hacash)}} ?{{toThousands(one.satoshi)}} SAT{{toThousands(one.diamond)}} HACD